Wedding Photographer Benny Ottosson got our most luxurios albums delivered…


When I advise new customers what kind of books they should include into their packages i try to find out what kind of  clients they would like to attract in the future. Based on that i recommend 3 different priced books:


  • one more economic book which is easy to sell in and works well for children photography, family assignments and events.
  • one mid priced book witch the Photographer really is in love with…
  • and  one very exclusive book for the Wedding couple who is looking for something special.

I consider International Wedding Photographer Benny Ottosson as one of the top Photographers in Europe. His humble personality paired with humor,  curiosity and an open mind results often in great shots who are really sticking out. Connecting Benny to Markus was natural to me and I am happy to see the result of bringing excellent German craftsmanship and extraordinary Swedish photography together.


Here is what Benny has to say about his books from Markus

Förra året bestämde vi oss för att ha riktigt lyxiga album i våra paket. Albumet är trots allt det ultimata slutresultatet på ett bröllopsfotoprojekt. Det som ska bevara alla de saker brudparet valt att investera i. Där ska finnas fina bilder på klänning & skor, förberedelser, bruden, brudgummen, brudparet tillsammans, vigseln, gratulationerna, gästerna, ringarna, blommorna, dukningen, festlokalen, minglet, tärnorna, marskalkarna, detaljerna och kanske festen, talen, dansen, tårtan… Det ska rymmas mycket. Och det ska vara länge. Då tycker vi att det ska vara mäktigt förpackat. I ett vackert album.

Volker Ströhlein på SpreadBook Online Albumproofing hjälpte oss få kontakt med  Markus Schmuck. Så tillsammans med Volker och Markus tog vi fram en OttossonPhoto-design av ett album och förvaringsbox.

Ifjol på fotomässan i Stocksholm, flög Markus upp med demo-exemplaret. Det var otroligt läckert. Och nu har vi just fått våra tre första album. Albumet ligger i en lika vacker förvaringsbox. Papperet är Fuji Silk, ett oerhört vackert papper, där de svarta partierna gnistrar. Det känns också rejält tåligt mot fingeravtryck. Det verkar nästan bestruket utan att vara det. Albumet är också tyngre än det ser ut att vara, vilket också ökar lyxkänslan. Jag har för mig att Markus sa att det beror på att papperet innehåller mycket silver. Vår logga är vackert instansad nere i höger hörn på själva albumet. Faktum är att det inte syns lika tydligt i verkligheten, som på bilderna nedan. Vi ville ha det lite diskret.





Be different!

Almost every day I´ll talk about album design with our clients. Design, the finish of the different  albums and the craftsmanship – together with album pricing –  have become second nature for me and I really try to convince our clients to be open minded and let their customers  decide which book to choose. This way they free themselves from  discussions about taste and pricing.

A view minutes ago my friend Georgios Athanasiadis, the owner of Orasisfoto posted a link to Johannes van Kan’s winning album from the WPPI 2010.

I like to share it with you – because it´s different. The album carries a hefty price-tag, (they cost  more than a 1000 Euro for the photographer to buy) still the pictures in it have a lot of air around.
I am not sure what to think of it but i am sure his clients absolutely love it. Sometimes less is more, by clicking on the picture you see what i mean.





Outsourcing your Albumdesign?

The new season is here and we all have some busy weeks ahed of us. If you want to show your clients their album soon after their wedding and you having trouble to find time for designing there is always the possibility to let Susanne design your book. She is familiar with the different books we offer and with some hundred books designed she has a lot of experience. From classic & timeless designs to colorful  fantasy stories with a oriental touch  – you set the tone and Susanne will design a books which your clients will fall in love with!



2brides – QTAlbum and Saal combo

Isabelle & Emmi-Sabina from 2brides are passionate in their work and demand good stuff from their suppliers. I consider them to be perfect test candidates for our books, tough but fair and always very quick in publishing their thoughts on their blog

(We had some issues with a recent order from Saal – probably based on slightly over-sharpened  images).

To all of you out there – Do not sharpen your images intended to be used in traditionally developed Photo-books!The developing machines are tuned in to produce crisp pictures and it is very easy that you over-sharpen your pictures. This is an essential rule that applies to all suppliers of traditionally developed books and is especially true for pictures taken with high ISO.


We will see to that Isabelle & Emmi-Sabina get the books reprinted. I really like the fact that 2brides are offering the affordable Saal books together with the exclusive QTAlbums in a package! It is a super smart move both for the bride and groom witch are of course happy to use their beautiful designed book-spreads in more than one book and surprise parents and friends with a copy of their wedding book  – and for the Photographer who spreads his work wowing people… do not judge a book by it´s cover 😉

Read 2brides comments on the combo:

„We proudly present the 2 Brides QT album, it´s pink, it´s gorgeous & it´s just so so cute! Yesterday we also got the time to photograph the lavish wedding book, printed at SAAL for Sara & Mikael, who tied the knot in Uppenbarelsekyrkan, Saltsjöbaden.
…and we have to admit –  it is absolutely fab!!!
We really like the he stylish SAAL book.  It´s sleek, clean and has a fresh feel and they make an exellent wedding book for the more non-traditional bridal couples that we so often have the fortune to photograph“.